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6 Ways Your Mattress Could Be Negatively Affecting Your Health
Sleep is an essential component of life. You cannot function or survive without it. One of the key ingredients to a restful slumber is a comfortable mattress. If you find yourself constantly tossing and turning as you wait to drift off to dreamland then maybe it is time to consider a mattress change. With a dreadful mattress, you’ll experience overall discomfort which may significantly affect your mental and physical health.
Triggering Your Allergies
Old mattresses tend to host dust mites and bacteria which feed off dead skin cells that are shed by the body. They thrive off warm, humid spots and continue to reproduce there. If you are allergic and come into close contact with anything remotely familiar to the debris of the dust mites, you’ll experience a range of skin problems. It can also be harmful if you suffer from asthma resulting in acceleration of coughing, shortness of breath, and much more.
Increased Stress On The Body
Each part of our body is designed in a specific way and every individual has a specific way of sleeping. The most important contributor to a good night’s rest is a good amount of spinal support. The natural curves of our body do not enjoy an excessively firm nor soft mattress to lie on. The sagginess of the mattress may deteriorate the overall condition of your spine causing back strain and bad posture. Want to know some telltale signs? You’ll wake up feeling sore and feel your sleep being unfulfilled. Not having the right support and comfort can also make you moodier and more irritable which may also increase the risk of anxiety and depression.
Did you ever think that getting an inadequate amount of sleep would cause you to go on a rampage of eating? Many people suffering from loss of sleep tend to become obese as stunted levels of energy and fatigue may want you to catch a quick snack every now and then. Sleeping plays an important role in weight loss which is why it is essential to have a good sleeping surface.
Weakened Immune System
Over time the result of being sleep deprived can heighten the risk of a weakened immune system. When you’re running on lack of sleep, you’re more susceptible to falling ill such as catching a flu, getting a fever, etc. In fact, sleep facilitates the body in fighting the flu or recovering from it which is why we’re constantly drawn to the bed when we’re ill.
Waking Up With Night Sweats
If you’re a hot sleeper or are geographically located in one of the hottest parts of the world you’ll find yourself waking up in a pool of sweat. Night sweat may also be caused by certain medical conditions such as anxiety. Drowning in sweat as you sleep may disrupt your sleep and contribute to low quality of sleep. You should try to use a mattress that promotes airflow and dissipates heat at night, like a Gelcool mattress. Check our best seller here:
Changing Brain Activity
While your body is resting, your brain is on an outbreak of activity. It functions very much like a computer. When you’re locking in your required hours of sleep, your brain organizes the events of the day and stores them up to be retrieved for another day. Adults typically need 7-9 hours of sleep for maximum brain performance which many of us neglect. The deeper you sleep, the more effective your brain is in cleaning itself. Neglecting your sleep can significantly hinder the overall performance of your brain making it difficult to concentrate or remember things.
Looking For a Solution?
Did you know that going too long without sleep has similar effects as being drunk? It may also result in impairment of judgment, reduce overall performance and increase the risk of accidents or injuries. We should always try to eradicate any possibility of losing sleep. It may not be possible to completely change our busy lifestyle but we can achieve better sleep with a high quality mattress. It is one of the eminent steps towards a healthier lifestyle. Moreover, we may not be able to completely eliminate bacteria and dust mites on our existing mattress but we can always use a safety barrier such as mattress protectors or clean our sheets regularly to minimize the adverse effects.
Next time you feel your neck is a bit stiff or you’re experiencing back pain then maybe it is time to check your bed. The better you sleep at night, the better you’ll function and the better you’ll feel.
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