Who doesn’t want to get in shape and that too, without losing a sweat and eating those nasty tasting salads? And doing this during your favorite past time, um sleeping, is just the cherry on top. Read on below to know how to get the best of both worlds.

Sleep some more

Sleep some more

We often neglect sleep owing to our busy routines and commitments. But the secret to weight loss is catching up on your good ole 8 hours of sleep. Studies show that overweight people generally sleep lesser hours than their counterparts. This is because when we sleep more, we have lower levels of ghrelin (a hunger stimulating hormone) and witness higher levels of leptin (a hormone that keeps appetite controlled). 

Small meals > Large meals

Small meals  Large meals

By eating smaller meals throughout the day as opposed to binging on a few larger meals, you will be able to keep your metabolism fast and running. Even so when you’re sleeping, your metabolism will still be doing its job and helping you to shed some extra pounds. Not only this, but by eating smaller meals you will keep your cravings in check. 

Cut back on technology

Cut back on technology

Technology may be your friend but not when it disrupts your sleeping patterns. When people prioritize their mobile phones, laptops and tablets among other things over sleeping then this contributes to poor lifestyle habits. This in turn makes people sluggish and binge over unhealthy foods. The restricted movement only adds to the negative picture.

Protein is your best friend

Protein is your best friend

Take some form of protein before you hit the bed. A protein shake or cottage cheese containing casein protein will aid in fat burning while you’re sleeping. The latter is a protein that gradually digests in the body which makes your metabolism up and running throughout the night. It will help in muscle repair and save you from binging at breakfast time.

Now you know all the secrets behind losing weight while you’re catching up on your Zzzs. No more excuses!  

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