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Do Men and Women Sleep Different
Men and women may be alike in many ways but one thing in which they are different is their sleeping patterns and habits. These differences are caused by circadian rhythm, which is an internal clock that dictates when one is the most active and similarly, most lethargic.
Both these genders have dissimilar circadian rhythms, women having a shorter one than their counterparts. To be precise, the circadian rhythm of males is six minutes longer than females. What this means is that females in general are early sleepers and hence, are early risers as well. Males, on the other hand, are more of night owls and tend to wake up in the later hours of the morning.
There is no difference in the number of sleeping hours recommended for both the sexes. However, in the case of lack of sleep, women are proven to perform better. They tend to be more alert and attentive to details when being sleep deprived. It is the opposite for men who in comparison perform poorly, both at professional and personal matters.
However, it is not all glory for females. Due to their changing hormones from time to time, they are more prone towards getting sleep disorders. Women suffer from insomnia two to three times more than men. While women are more alert even in a lack of sleep, the severity of getting diseases linked to poor sleep are more. Thus, the risk of getting diabetes, high blood pressure and heart attacks in women is greater.
No matter the differences, one thing remains true is that having a consistent sleep schedule is necessary for performing effectively in all aspects of life. So irrespective of when you sleep, sleep for the recommended seven to nine hours to remain active and energetic.
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